After the giddy elation of starting something new and the sheer joy of ‘putting something out there’ I was unsure about how to move forward. Still I was happy and committed to be moving anywhere, however uncertain. The simple act of starting this process came with an immediate desired effect. I was thinking more about writing; what I should write next, how long it should be be, do I need a mission statement? I wasn’t writing anymore than usual, but I was thinking positively about it, with an ‘I can do this ‘ attitude instead of with a myriad of negative excuses. For a whole week I’ve been thinking about how I want to feed this space I’ve created. I imagined this journey would be about projects I hoped to undertake and the discoveries I would make through those processes. It turns out that writing is the journey that wants to be documented, for now anyway.
The flip side to all this is the extra digital attention that comes with everything online. The congratulatory emails welcoming me to this community while explaining and encouraging me on how to monetise my new venture. Like all good advertising little seeds are planted, tempting me towards a rosy lucrative future and only for a small additional cost. There’s time for all of that, this is a joyful space and I intend to relish it for as long as I can.